It's My Life and My Journey: "Harmony Of Life"

Harmony Blog

I'm writing the story of My life one moment at a time.

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

I think somehow I learn who I really am and then live with that decision.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on

My goals are the road maps that guide me and show me what is possible for my life.

My life is a gift from the Creator. My gift back to the Creator is what I do with My life.

Welcome, Read, Enjoy, Comment, Shout, Come Again, Thank You!

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Happy Holidays!

Hey all,,,

I know, I know i haven't been writing blog for a while,, but you aint here the end of me for sure..;)
anyway, anyhow, This post is just wishing you all a happy holidays from me, because ma university is a catholic university, I have holidays fo a month and because some of my friends are celebrating Christmas, I would like to say Merry Christmas to ma lovely friends out there...

And for all of you, I wish you have a very Happy New Year, let us all welcome 2009 baby!! lol
My next post will be next year, as im pretty sure i dont have time to write, coz tomorrow i will be leaving Bandung to Yogyakarta (really wish it could be Bali though) for couples of days, so i might not be online in YM or opening my facebook for a couples of days (wow, rekor dunia lol)...

One again happy Holidays people!!!

Monday 15 December 2008

Long Time

Hadoh,, udah lama sekali gw ga blogging,, sorry guys it seems that ive been busy lately (always ana excuse!! lol) iyalah, ga sibuk gimana coba, minggu ini kan UAS jd gw harus mempersiapkan diri dan semoga mendapatkan nilai GPA yang memuaskan yang bisa membuat daddyku berkata "bapak bangga sama kamu nak!!" wakakakakakakakakak, amin all the way and mohon doanya dari temen2 semua,,,,

berhubung minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir kuliah sebelum libur yang amat sanagat panjang, gw jadi bingung ntar liburan kemana ya?? ada referensi ga?? masa gw ngelumut, ngebangke, nyampah dirumah selama sebulan. Please deh!! ga level.. (wakakakakakak)...

although, yang pasti ntar tanggal 25 December ada arisan keluarga di Yogyakarta, sebenarnya sih lebih ke kumpul2 keluarga, bayangin bapakku 12 bersaudara, jadi bisa kebayangkan sepupu yang gw miliki, bisa bikin kelompok army tuh....

and sekarang, gw bukannya ngapalin buat MBM, malah ngeblog dan dikit2 baca TUNNELS, yang btw bagus banget bukunya, bener sebagai gantinya Harry Potter yang ditunggu2 filmnya belum keluar juga hingga sekarang.....

kalo ada saran liburan kasih tau gw ya,,,,,,

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Statistika Sosial VS Twilight

OK, hari ini, sudah dimulai dan sudah berlalu. Gw ceritanya baru beres ujian akhir semester mata kuliah Statistika Sosial yang btw sampai sekarang gw masih bingung kenapa anak HI belajar Statistika!!!!!

Anyway, karena nilai UTS gw jeblok, a.k.a so baddd!!! I have to do this exam really well, kalau ga pengen ngulang (amit2)...

Dan ternyata oh ternyata, Hampir semua jawaban gw dan temen gw beda!! ohh mudah2an yang gw yang bener!! wakakakakak..... sudah stress ga karuan, kami berenam (gw, connie, anas, gita, pricil and Mira) decided to watch TWILIGHT!!!! one word OMG, wait thats three words!!

You guys should watch it, and by the end of the movie im pretty sure all the girls will be in love with Robert Pattinson.. Sure he's yummy, but im more in love with his actions rather than his looks!! lol!! oh he is so gentleman, that what a perfect man should do!!!