It's My Life and My Journey: "Harmony Of Life"

Harmony Blog

I'm writing the story of My life one moment at a time.

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

I think somehow I learn who I really am and then live with that decision.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on

My goals are the road maps that guide me and show me what is possible for my life.

My life is a gift from the Creator. My gift back to the Creator is what I do with My life.

Welcome, Read, Enjoy, Comment, Shout, Come Again, Thank You!

Thursday 27 November 2008

Masih Ingin Bersenang-senang....

Kenapa ya, sebelom mau ujian, serasa belom siap untuk di hadapi,, padahal ujian adalah hal penting untuk mendapatkan GPA yang bagus, dan sekarang gw masih utang GPA bagus untuk bokap Gw...

Oh ya, sebelom mulai merocos ga jelas, gw mau ngucapin Happy Birthday buat Nadia, tersayang... Nadia umurmu dah 20 tahun jangan kelojotan kalo deket kecengan.. hehehehehe piss, girl dan lo mesti berterimakasih kepada KBK (kelompok Bermain Kodok) yang dipimpin oleh Soraya sebagai ketua dan Tety sebagai wakil ketua!!

kemaren tanggal 6, gw dan KBK pergi ke acara Temu Akrab Hubungan Internasional yang dibuat oleh angkatan 2008. dari kampus jam 6 sore, balik2 jam 2.30 dini hari, pulang nginep dikosan connie dan kita yang bukanny tidur masih ngobrol setengah jam, baru pergi ke alam mimpi dan bangun2 jam 11.. hehehehehe kalo nyokap gw tau, pasti udah dimarahin...

Dalam acara T.A.H.I ada yang namanya slow dabce, dan maaf pada KBK gw ga bisa slow dance bareng kalian semua,, wkwkwk (tau ndirilah ya!!) trus ada acara band2 gt,, ah seneng banget ikutan acara seperti itu sebagai penikmat, bukan panitia!!

dan hari Selasa besok, ujian akhir semester dimulai dan gw masih blom siap!! semoga pas Hari H, gw siap.. amin!!!!


Sorry guys, i havent been updating my blog for awhile.. been busy with this stupid paper!! and other social things in UNI..

Last Saturday adalah acara Pratice in Diplomacy, for angkatan 2005, gw sebagai angkatan bawah menjadi panitia yang menyelenggarakan dan capeknya minta ampun.. gw ga bisa posting foto2nya disini, if anyone wants to see it, please check out ma facebook!!

dan senen kemaren acara suka suka night yang diselenggarakan oleh angkatan 2008, gw dateng dunk, karena gw sebagai mentor harus menyediakan tarian yang heboh, and again pics can be seen on ma facebook.

Dan hari ini, gw akhirnya menyelesaikan tugas KPI gw. dan temanya adalah 'Pandangan FPI dan Alqaeda dalam Membela Islam' berat ga sih??? lolol.. tadinya gw mau bikin FPI dan Taliban,, tetapi karena tidak menemukan buku tentang Taliban, akhirnya gw membuat tentang Alqaeda.

Hari ini gw bener2 yang namanya tancap gas, Berhubung hari ini gw libur ga ada kuliah, jadinya dari jam 8 pagi sampai jam 5 sore gw tancap gas dengan paper KPI, dan hasilnya beres 11 halaman, dengan 3300 kata (min 3000, maks 3300) dan footnote segala.. gw seneng banget, soalnya itu tugas terakhir sebelum UAS.. moga dapet nilai bagus, amin!!!

eh tunggu, masih ada tugas FILIL!! OMG, GW LUPA!! argggghhhhhh, balik lagi ke stress mode nih.. huehuehue

ya sudah gw off dulu ya,, mau istirahat, jari gw pegel bgt abis KPI!!


love,, Goddess!!

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Tugas dan Tugas!!

OMG!!!! kenapa setiap menjelang ujian akhir pasti tugas udah numpuk kaya gunung. Saking numpuknya, gw hanya bisa melototin aja sambil berharap tugas selesai dengan sendirinya. Dosen - Dosen tuh kayaknya seneng banget ya bikin mahasiswanya menderita MySpace.

Anyway, today i just Found out that tugas KPI deadlinenya tanggal 2 Desember, gimana nggak stress coba!! apalagi stuktur paper yang diinginkan dosen baru disampaikan hari ini!! MySpace Oh no!! gimana nasib,,, Gw sendiri aja masih bingung mau buat tema apa. tugasnya emang disuruh bikin perbandingan antara kekuatan Politik yang ada di Indonesia dengan kekuatan Politik luar negeri. Contoh: perbandingan Partai Demokrat di Indonesia dengan Partai Demokrat di U.S.

Masalahnya terletak pada 'Tema apa yang akan gw ambil?' Pada paper pertama gw mengambil tema tentang Front Pembela Islam dan gw udah punya beberapa buku tentang Islam di Indonesia dan tentang FPInya itu sendiri. Tetapi, oh tetapi gw bingung. Kalau gw ngambil FPI lagi, dengan apa gw bandingkan FPI? masa sama Al Qaeda atau Taliban??!???? MySpace teman, gw butuh inspirasi!!!!!!

BTW, gw jadi teringat sesuatu, Gw kan mahasiswa HI MySpace (ci ileh, nyombong gitu kesannya!!) , dan seharusnya blog gw itu berbobot tentang masalah internasional. tetapi kenapa pas gw check ulang blog gw, yang ada hanya tulisan-tulisan yang amat sangat tidak penting.. wakakakakakaka MySpace Gw harus mulai menulis blog dengan bobot yang keren dan yang bisa membuat semua orang berkata kepadaku "wah della, tulisan lo tentang masalah2 di internasional maupun dalam negeri keren sekali membuat kita2 jadi terpesona untuk masuk HI", and of course gw jadi bisa memberi inspirasi buat kalian semua MySpace.....

Thursday 13 November 2008

This Week!!

Hola Amigos,,,

Howz you people doing???? hope doing fine..

This week has been very colourfull to me.. many things happened, like ma marks for ma exam a month ago finally came out, annnnnnnnddddddd..... lets just say that if im not back for couples of days then you peeps need to dig me up from ma grave after ma dad murder me... ok thats a bit exagerating, but yeah that will happen to me if ma da found ma marks.... although the good news is not just me who gets the horrible marks, almost everyone got it.. well who cant blame us. afterall ma uni is famous for giving low marks to every student!!!

And then i thought, what could possibly cheer us up?? and then one of ma friend, suggested KAREOKE!!!!! so, yesterday after class, we went on our mission and we kareoke for two hours long!! ma voice was gone by then..

Those are examples of the pictures.. lol!! we went crazy....

Enaugh about kareoke, Yesterday or two days ago, a stranger walked up to me n said that i look like Cinta Laura!!! ok that was the 11th person (thats rite, i counted) that said i look like cinta laura!!!! and i still dont se where!! to try n find out, i took a bunch of pics, well, the planned was to find which part of ma face that look like cinlau. But then i become narcis wiv the camera lol. altough i found one, on ma mom's opinion the pic that loook a little bit like cinta laura (i dont think so though).

Wot do u think? No, rite..

Today, my sister n I went to vertex to buy dvd, our planned was to buy America's Next Top Model, but its not out yet, so we looked around for a bit. and then i found Little Women!!! finnally, ive benn lokking for it for ages, and ive got it now. As you know, little women is one of ma fav book ever. If u havent read it i reccomend that u read it now, u wont be dissapointed!! if you dont have the book, then ill be gladly to give you the links where you can go and read it by online. and i prefer the second one....

well thats all folks, more news later!!

Ps: as im a nice person, this is the website of private photos of harry potter cast!! some says that its a horrid things to put their private pictures, some says that its a good things. I let u guys decide!!!

Love,, Goddesss

Monday 10 November 2008

Late Blogging


It's one am on a very not so warm night or morning in Bandung The shitfull yet lovely place i call home. anyway, me, The Della Munarto for the fourth nightalready couldnt sleep. I dunno what is wrong wiv me. Usually, on a normal day, i was already feeling comfy on ma own bed huggingby ma favourite teddy bear called syprus (dunno why i called him that!!) dreaming me dating the-so-handsome Sean Biggerstaff (ok, that's a bit exaggerating) but the point is i usually already slept by 11 and even most time by 9. lol!!

And now here i am typing away on ma computer, nobody here wiv me and ma dad's snores as a company. before typing this, i was surfing through and was looking for some pictures from Harry Potter. Anddddddddddddd........................

What would it be if Draco and Hermione together???!!! WAS I SHOCKED????!! no.. the answer is no i wasnt shocked. if you are like me, and read, you will be in love with this odd pairing. I know it sounds crazy, but oh is like the music NO DOUBT 'Underneath It All', salt and sugar, bitter and sweet, yea all the oppsite kinda things and it's not like it's hermione/snape pairing... Ewwww that's just gross!!. You'll get the idea, once you start reading anyway, busway, motorway, myway, i found really cute pics of them together. I know the pics are mad but who cares rite?? well, maybe emma and tom will!! lol

So Fake!! still cute though

This one almost Looking so real!!

Im not sure about this one, but i think is real!!

And also, I found two cut pics of Harry and Ginny.. Not ma fav couple but i love these two pics...

Cute innit????

And this one too also i like ginny's outfit and shoes!!!!! lol!!

That's all folks, more cute pics in check it all by yourself. oh some news i found the website where you can find the PRIVATE pics of The Harry Potter cast!!! should i tell you?????







I'll think about it ;) ;)

love, Goddesss!!!!!!

Thursday 6 November 2008

Demam Obama!!

well, first thing first, I would like to congrate Barry Soetoro or as we all know the great Barrack Obama to become the very first Afo-American President of USA!! And also i would like to give ma very own simpathy to the great John McCain, he is a great senator and i really appreciate his lost speech.

As we all know, not just in America that really want Obama to win, i'm sure in any other world wants a change that Obama offered on his campaign. Especially Indonesia. I'm pretty sure more than half people supported Obama rather than McCain. Well, that understandable, Obama used to stayed in Indonesia when he was 6 year old. When his mother divorced Barrack Husein Obama senior and married to Lolo Soetoro and lived in Indonesia for about four years. Barrack even has a half sister called Maya Soetoro.

I'm guessing that is the main reason why Indonesian's people supported Barrack Obama, and that including me. Barrack or Barry (his nickname in Indonesia) when to school in SDN Menteng and from so many sources, Obama used to read Pancasila and sang Indonesia Raya, Indonesia anthem every Monday. But we have to know one thing, we cant depend that Barrack Obama elected to be the president can affect Indonesia. One thing for sure, Obama need so many years to fix his own country let alone think about Indonesia. And that another reason why Obama elected, American people believes that Obama is the man to change American from the failure of the President Bush. One of Obama promises is to pull out the army from Iraq ang using more soil energy rather that depending another country for oil. Even on his campaign he said that he will raise the tax for rich people, it did not make Obama less popular, He even won the vote in the state that many people beleives in Republican.

Well, let's hope that Obama will success becoming the 44th Prsident.

Go Obama Go!!!

Love,, Goddess

Monday 3 November 2008

Reflection on My Life

Why is life so frustrated?
Why can we just live the way it is?
or life has been written in a stone..

I dont know, sometimes i think life is so perfect for me
and then some other time life is just full of Sh*t.
either way, i must praise Allah SWT for giving me life that i would not want to switch.

Have to the perfect daughter for my parents..
Have to be the perfect sibling for my sisters..
Have to be the perfect friend fore my friends..
But i can't do that, because i'm just a human being who made mistakes through my life
And the good thing is they all understand me just the way i am.

So for my parents, I want to thank you, mum and dad for giving me the best 18 year of age, for loving, protecting, raising me with all your hearts..

For my sisters, i want to thank both of you for giving me the cozy, laughable home. stand by me through my happiness and sorrow...

For my friends, i want to thank you all for being there for me, laugh with me, cry with me, shopping with me, narcis with me lol, have fun with me, working with me, above all i wanna thank for being ma friends!!!

Life i have right now, i would not change it for anything in the world, cause the mistakes i made, it makes me the better person I am..

with love,
Andrillasari Vidella Astoeti Munarto