It's My Life and My Journey: "Harmony Of Life"

Harmony Blog

I'm writing the story of My life one moment at a time.

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

I think somehow I learn who I really am and then live with that decision.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on

My goals are the road maps that guide me and show me what is possible for my life.

My life is a gift from the Creator. My gift back to the Creator is what I do with My life.

Welcome, Read, Enjoy, Comment, Shout, Come Again, Thank You!

Sunday 31 August 2008

Mrhaban Ya Ramadhan

Ramadan is here, Here is Ramadan.
Ramadan is coming, The time that is blessed.
Ramadan is coming, The time we love best.
The month in which the Qur'an was sent;
A time of great blessing in which to repent.
Fasting for Allah is a great Muslim deed;
Controlling desires and Suppressing greed.
Ramadan is coming, Increase your Iman.
Ramadan is coming, Recite the Qur'an.
Taking "Suhur" in the dead of the Night;
No eating no drinking during the daylight.
Refrain from bad deeds and repent for your soul;
The pleasure of Allah is our only goal.
Ramadan is coming, so let us prepare.
Ramadan is coming; there is peace everywhere,
Even if there is hunger, remember your Lord
And wait until 'Iftar' to earn your reward.
Fasting is one of the gifts of Allah
Given to believers to increase 'Taqwah'.
Ramadan is here, here is Ramadan.
Ramadan is coming, so seek the new Moon.
Ramadan is coming, it will be here soon.
We pray to Allah to put right our hearts;
Ask for forgiveness from Allah and make a new start.
Raising our hands we ask for his 'Rahmaa';
Hear us our Lord and grant us 'Jannah'.
Marhaban ya Ramadhan everyone,, Please forgive me if i ever made a mistake to all of you, on purpose or not. May we all success in our fasting and may Allah SWT bless us. Amin!!!
Ps: the website of the poem:
and today is ma parents 22nd anniversary, together forever for ma parents, till death do they apart!! Amin.. happy anniversary mom and dad!! btw, im still workin on the 'my mates post'
Love, Goddesss!!!!

Friday 29 August 2008

My Family

For those of you, who have continuely read my blog, i really am thankful and it made me realise that i haven't put a post about my family, peoples who made me what i am today, and then later on i will make a post about my mates, people who are just as important as my family...

Let start with my dad,
Dr. Ir Munarto Eddie Sunaryo MsC or like to be called Bapak Eddie, born in Purworejo, 29th January 1953 a day earlier from my birthday. Mr Munarto is the best dad i can possibly ask. My dad is my inspiration, without his encouragement for my life, i wouldn't know what i do with it. Even though, him and I have a lot of disagreement, I'm sure he was looking out for my best interest in life. and my dad always buy me stuff and gave me extra money lol and he even says that i'm the only one whos ask for more extra cash.. lo. what can i say, im a college student. I love him dearly even though, he kept asking me and only me, not ma big sister for grandchildren and i'm only 18 for God's Sake, an ma big sis is 21, i mean he should ask her first rite????? That Photo, shows when my dad having fun, i mean he's rarely having fun, he always so busy with works and that's another reason why i think ma dad is the greatest, because he always commited to his works, but, however his works really took his time, he always had the time for me, ma mum, and ma sisters.. Love you dad!!

Next, My beloved mother,
Shinta Puspitasari Munarto, also like to be called mummy, ibu, ibu Eddie, Mrs Munarto, Ceuceu (it means big sisiter in Sundanese) born in Bandung, 19 September 1964. The best mum ever, well of course for me, you readers will think your mum is the best, rite??? Just ordinary housewife, a mother that i look up to. and of course the best cook ever, i mean it when i say the best, is really is the best!! She's great, she's the place where i can tell my problems to. And again nobody is perfect, my mum and I have disagreement too about anything from sinetron, to musics, to animals, to food almost to everything, but i know in the end she will agree with me, after all i am stubborn. Love you mum!! My gorgeous

When My mum and Dad married, they plan to have max 3 children, and they did. Although, they wish to have a son, instead they got 3 beautiful, charming, irresistable daughter. lol (don't puke now, i'm not done yet).

Their first Born is My big sister Dianisari Rinda Astoeti Munarto, like to be called, Ina (same like sabrina, rite ina?) Nda, Mba rinda, Bunda.... Born in Bandung, 15th June 1987. Annoying, but really caring at the same time, really not good with money, sorry sis!! I mean, gave her money, and it will be gone the next day lol. But she always bought me stuff, so couldnt really complain, could i?? beside my mum, i come to Mba rinda, if i have problems, mostluy about crushes and you know girls problems. She's really a great listener and gave me great advise to my problems, Sometimes i wish i had a big brother to protect me, but i wouldn't trade my big sister for a big brother. She is one of a kind. lol Love ya sis!!
people says a lot of things about me and rinda, some says that our looks are so alike, and some dont see the similiarty,, please, what do u guys think???

Last but not least, come my we and adorable sister Nurwulansari Widhaning Astoeti Munarto, and call her Uning, coz that's her nickname. lol even though sometimes she hates it.. lol. Born in Bandung, 29th of June 1995, 5 years younger than me. Uning is ma cute annoying little sister. i remember when she was little she always bit me, if i tried to kiss her chubby cheeks, it was really sore and the annoying part is that she always get away with it. When i'm angry or sad about something, i think about uning, and her crazy attitudes and it always bring a smile to my face, I love her so much and i wouldn't trade her for a wee brother, although i want one. lol She's 13 now but i alys think of her as if she was 5 years old, i mean her cheeks still as chubby as before, even my mum tried to bit it!! lol.. oh she's going to kill me if she knew im putting this pic instead of the one she approve of. couldnt help it sis, you look cute on this. love ya too sis.!!!! That photo is ma fav, that was when uning 7 years old i think.. shes so adorable!!

Well, folks that's my family, im not gonna put me on this post, coz some of you know about me, and you can view ma friendster, my facebook or my bebo. up to ya!! next post will be bout ma close mates, so if you think, you'r my close mates, be ready to see your pics in the next post and if you don't see it, doesnt mean that your not a great prson in ma life!! ok dokey!!
see ya later

love, Goddess

Thursday 28 August 2008

Dosen Rese


Hari ini seperti biasa, pergi kuliah, padahal males banget, gimana nggak males masa kuliah jam satu siang,,, arrgh enaknya tuh jam segituan ya tidur siang ditemani bantal dan guling yang empuk, But no!!! harus kuliah karena denger2 dosen yang satu ini sedikit rese alias menyebalkan.

Anyway, busway pergi dari rumah jam 12 lewat 10 menit, udah panick gitu takut telat, apalgi tadi sempet kena macet di dipatiukur, karena unpad sedang melaksanakn wisuda!! akhirnya sampai gandok jam satu kurang 15 menit, untungnya angkot yang menuju unpar tidak ngetem dulu, TETAPI pas dijalan, diriku ditelepon ama si nad-nad dan katanya mata kuliah Media Budaya Masyrakat DITIADAKAN!!! aiiiiihhh hati langsung ciut, udah mah kuliahnya cuma itu doang,, ahh rese banget nggak sih??????

Karena masih penasaran, diriku tetap mengecek keadaan yang sesungguhnya, ternyata emang bener kuliah ditiadakan!!!! karena males langsung pulang, akhirnya diriku dan soraya nyampah deh di kostanya si nad-nad, rencana sih sambil nunggu nggak mcet dijalan, bayangin macet dari unpar ampe gandok.. ihh menyebalkan!!

ya sudahlah, post ntar lagi..

love, not so happy GoddeSSSSSS

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Halal Bihalal Ramadan Di 3

Pengumuman, buat anak 3 ktnya ada halal bihala di 3 har Jumat 29 August.. kyknya sih abis jumat.. Datang ya... disuruh jartelin, tetapi saya sedang miskin pulsa dan uang jajan alias boke.. jadi yang baca ini harap maklum dan tolong sebarin ke anak 3 lainnya..

buat echie and pepe,, gmn mw datng ga?? kabar-kabarin ya......

Monday 25 August 2008

Berakhir Sudah Ospek Fakultas Part 2


lanjutan yang tadi nih..

Habis menunggu sebentar, kami para mentor diwajibkan untuk mengantar anak kami mengikuti amazing race, seru banget pokoknya setiap setiap post terdiri dari tiga warna, karena warna yag aku mentoring warna 9, aku kebagia bareng warna 7, 8.. pokoknya setiap post sangat seru contoh sebagai berikut

Menghitung Ipk/GPA..

masih sempet narsis..

sebenarnya masih banyk tuh foto yang lebih seru,, ntar kalo mau liat lebih lanjut lihatlah di Goddess's Photos.. click situ ya foto2nya lebih lengkap loh!!!!. Udah amazing race, kita ISOMA deh (istirahat, solat, makan) dan nganggur lagi buat para mentor,, tetapi tenang kita mentor tidak berdiam diri, dari yang namanya main poker sampai pamer bendera.. (setiap post, ada perlombaan dan warna yang menag dapet bendera deh,warna sembilan cuman dapet satu, sedangkan warnanya si soraya dapat 5 ihhhhh menyebalkan)

Bermain poker dengan taruha handphone....

Soraya dan Danan pamer bendera..

Dan akhirnya setelah menunggu lama kami para mentor masuk keruanga dimana para maba berada, dan disana diumumkan bahwa Warnanya si MARYA menang dan dapet award,, eh mar,, jangan lupa traktir!!!!!!! ga mau tau.. habis iyu para maba kena tatib deh sebagai closing.. tp udah tatib kita panitia mewelcome maba ke dalam Fisip unpar... yeah.. dan tatib pun minta maaf .. lol

and in the end kita pada foto sama anak2 sendiri, dan mentor pun menggila deh....
Para Mentor pingin berfoto bersama
Gw dan anak gw.....
Sebenarnya kalo diceritain ga seru,, tapi sebenernya seru banget loh.. ahh gw kangen.....apalagi sama anak2 gw.. ihh pengen jadi panitia lagi.... hehehehe
ps: kalo mw liat foto2 yang lebih lengkap lihatlah di Goddess Photos.....
love, Goddesss

Berakhir Sudah Ospek Fakultas Part 1

Dearest Harmony,,
Finally,, after a long week, oskaf a.k.a Ospek Fakultas Fisip Universitas Parahyngan Bandung 2008 berakhir sudah,, remember, in the earlier post, i mention i was a mentor.. well i'm finnished to be a mentor last sunday.

Sunday 24th August 2008 was the last day,, us mentor have to be in kampus jam 6 pagi.. bayangin Harmony, jam 6 harus udah ada di kampus males banget nggak sih?? kalo misalnya telat satu menit pun denda 500 dan berkali lipat pada menit berikutnya. temanku kena denda 8000 rupiah karena ia telat 16 menit.. LOL

saat2 menunggu peserta jam 6 pagi.

Sebelum acara dimulai, kami para mentor briefing dulu tentang rundown atau kegiatan apa saja yang akan dilaksanakn peserta pada pagi ini dan inilah saat2 dimana para mentor lagi briefing dan rapat.

Gili, Utoi dan Rani sadar akan kamera...
Sesudah briefing, kami para mentor berjalan menuju plaza Gedung Serba Guna, disana kami menunggu anak2 kita untuk berdatangan.. dan akhirny anak2 gw a.k.a warna 9 datang, sembari menunggu mahasiswa baru (maba) datang anak gw latihan yel2 dan UNTUNGNYA, bukan menngunakan lagu 'aku seorang kapiten' melainkan menggunakan lagu Reza....

Anak-anak aku rajin latihan yel2 kelompok..

Akhirnya para maba berkumpul dan kita semua termasuk para mentor melakukan senam pagi... lol yang tidak jelas gerakannya.. Sesudah senam pagi mentor membawa anak2nya ke ruang 3501 dimana ruangan terbesar yang ada di kampus 3.. dan udah gitu para mentor nganggur deh alias tidak ada kerjaan selama 20 menit sambil menunggu amazing race yang akan dilakukan oleh maba

Besenam bersama mengikuti gerakan yang tidak jelas

Sambil nunggu foto ama Gladys dulu ah..
Cerita selanjutnya bakal di post nanti sore.. hehe tunngu kabar selanjutnya ya.....
to be continued..
Love, Goddesssssss

Friday 22 August 2008

Dave Pelzer So Amazing

Dear my true listener, Harmony,,, lol

finally, ive finished reading the trilogy of Dave Pelzer's Books.. Yeah!!!! clap-clap n cheering for me.. wohooo,, ok that was a bit too much.
Anyway Busway, the books are so great, it made me cries the whole time reading the three of them, A Child Called It, The Lost Boys, and A Man Named Dave..
The books are really inspiring,, and unbelievably heartwarming..
Turns out im the only one in ma group of friends, who hasnt read it. All of my friends read it in high school..
Well, for those who have not read it, i really recommend you to read it, Dave Pelzer really is number one bestsellers ever.
A Child Called It tells a strory how young David (Pelzer himself) was abused physically by his own mother.. If you read this you will continue asking the same question as me 'why would a mother hurt her own son?' that question keep wondering in ma head as i read this book.
The Lost Boy tells a story how David looking for love in the foster care, again it really made me cries how on earth a child that young can go through life like this..
A Man Named Dave, is the the last book of the trilogy and it tells about how David become an adult and trying to cope with everything that has happened to him. Struggling to forgive his own mother and learning the truth why his mum hated him so much. I'm not gonna tell you that, you need to figure it out by yourself, if i tell you what is the fun of that.
Penasaran?? bacalah sendiri!!!! Mwahahahaha 'evil laughs,, again'
Love, Tired Eyes Goddessssssss

Thursday 21 August 2008

2008 kurang bersemangat!!!


today,, mentoring bersama anak2ku.. tetapi yang datang hanya ada beberapa.. hmm?? kenapa ya nampaknya anak mahasiswa baru kurang bersemangat menjalankan orientasi siswa.. kalau tahun kemaren aq aja sgt bersemangat,,, apalagi banyak senior2 yang ganteng2.. hehe,, ohhh, btw pa'de jadi gtg bgt,, dulu aq tidak pernah naksir si pa'de ini,, tetapi sekarang... aiiiiihhhhhhh!!!!!! ganteng abis.. sumpah!! pulang2 dari australia membuat pa'de jadi tebar pesona,, kynya jd bnyk yang ngeceng nih.... hmmmmm!!!!!

anyway,, sebagai mentor yang sangat baik dan tidak sombong, aq diharuskan membantu anak2ku ato warna 9 (warna itu sebagai kelompok,, jadi tahun ini ada warna 1 sampai 30 a.k.a ada 30 kelompok dan aq kebagian jadi mentor warna 30) untuk membuat yel2, dan yel-yel yang bagus akan menjadi yel2 angkatan.. TETAPI,, tadi pas mw membuatdengan waktu satu jam, anak2ku berhasil membuat yel2 yang berirama 'aku seorang kapiten' (kalo yang tknya disini pasti tw lagu tiukan??) dan kata2nya seperti ini..

ingat irama bernyanyi dengan irama 'aq seorang kapiten!!!!!

kami mahasiswa fisip
mempunyai visi panjang
kalo belajar, ya belajar
kami nak fisip unpar..

yeah!!!! seperti itu,, pasti kalian yang baca juga sampai ga bisa ngomong.... ya ampun warna 9 nggak usah ngarep menag deh!!!!! ahhhh frustasi eke jadi mentor,, pokonya taon depan aq akan menjadi TATIB a.k.a Tata Tertib.. Mwahahahaha (itu tadi evil laugh) punya wajah jutek, kenapa ga dipake untuk jadi tatib.. mwahahaha...

love, evil and shocked Goddess

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Back To Uni.....

Dear Harmony,,,,

I'm back to uni.. starting ma 3rd smester,,, man,, this smester mata kuliahnya sangat berhubungan dengan HI bgt,, tidak seperti semester2 sebelumnya,, semester kemaren aq mash belajar yg namanya ekonomi dan manajemen,,, n now aq belajar bener HI.. senengnya... contoh mata kuliah yang aq pelajari:

1. Statistika Sosial
2. Hubungan Internasional Kawasan
3. Kekuatan Politik Indonesia (politik again!!!!)
4. Bahasa Inggris Hubungan Internasional
5. Media dan Budaya Internasional
seperti itulah contohnya.. sangat internasionalkan???

Btw,, salah satu anak mentorku berkelakuan yg sgt amat STUPID.. dia kira dia ada kuliah jam 7 malem... gw yang lsg terbengong-bengong memikirkannya.. huh?? ko bisa sih dia mikir ada kuliah yang jam 7 malem.... wot the hell is he thinking...
hari ini lumayan lucu.. anak2 baru alias maba pada minta tanda tangan ke senior2.. lol serasa udah jadi artis yang sagt terkenal.. lol

mudah2an gw ga bakal dosen yang rese... *berdoa*

love, Goddess

Sunday 17 August 2008



Indonesia continue the traditions for the gold medals in olympics.. yeah!!!! *cheering n clapping*
Indonesia won the the gold medals from the mens double. markis kido/hendra setiawan... really proud for them.. n earlier Maria kristin beat her opponent fron China, Lu lan n get the bronze medals.. OMG,,, i love y guys.. hehe beruntung kita dapat medali disini.. sekarang indonesia ad di tingkat 29 untuk perolehan medali sementara.. hmm not bad.. lol.. gives for indonesia independes day today... n now hopefully liliyana natsir/nova widianto can give us another gold medals n vita marissa/flandy limpele can give us another bronze medal..*finger cross*

anyway, busway... finally im free today, no more mentoring.. so tired the new college studens r reaaly ok.. but sometimes they asked too much questions.. lol..


love, happy Goddess

Markis-Hendra continue Indonesia tradition

In another crazy night of badminton and after the unexpected gold from Zhang Ning in the afternoon session, the home fans were on for some thrilling matches involving their local heroesbut had to contend with contrasting fortunes as

Chen Jin got the bronze while Cai Yun and Fu Haifeng had to settle for silver leaving gold to Indonesia’s Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan.
They came, they saw, they conquered. Markis Kido and

Hendra Setiawan provided today with the gold medal Indonesia was waiting for since the early
exit of their men’s singles shuttlers and Maria Kristin’s bronze medal.
But what a match the young Indonesians had to overcome to beat Cai and Fu and their 5000 strong supporters. A match full of contrasting play between the first game, where the Chinese were all fired up, leaving absolutely no time for their opponent to breathe, serving fast, low, taking all the chances to nail the shuttle.
21/12 and it was a done deal. The other two games certainly did not resemble the first one, with a clear difference in style. It was the Indonesians who were up and attacking, with the shorter Kido jumping high and Setiawan working wonders at the net.
Soon, both teams had a game each on the score board. In spite of the strong crowd cheering for their hope to see – at last, the end of the Olympic title drought in the men’s doubles– it was the Indonesians who got the best start.
There was a thriller, however, towards the end, when they led 20/12 and saw the Chinese climb 4 ladders, but the margin was too big and once Fu’s last shuttle was called out, the two friends were brought down onto the ground by their coach to celebrate the Indonesian tradition for a final 12/21 – 21/11 – 21/16 victory.
“It’s a great honour to be part of this tradition, and to succeed to Rexy/Ricky, and Tony and Candra. We are glad we were able to play well tonight to get this success. Also, it’s a great timing to win as tomorrow (today) is Indonesia’s Independence Day. The fact that we had won here in China in the China Open in 2006 and 2007 certainly gave us confidence,” said Markis Kido.
The Chinese, of course, were disappointed but still felt they achieved something important for China in this category. “You have to realise that there are only two strong pairs from China going to tournaments and we are proud to be in the final tonight, even if we are disappointed to have lost. We’ve trained for this event for 6 years now, and achieving a silver medal is somehow reaching an important target,” said Fu Haifeng.
Hwang Ji Man and Lee Jae Jin were also on the podium after defeating Denmark’s Lars Paaske and Jonas Rasmussen earlier in the day, depriving Europe for its last chance to scoop a medal – for the first time in Olympic history, making Asia the definite powerhouse of badminton.
After the two first medals of the badminton event in Beijing had already been awarded to China in the women’s singles and doubles respectively, the hosts were banking on youngsters He Hanbin and Yu Yang to keep their flags flying in the mixed doubles.
And it was a close, very close call for the youngsters who were well supported by the usual noisy and packed stadium. In a vibrant atmosphere, He and Yu played a tremendous first game, leaving no space for Liliyana’s brilliant net play of Nova Widianto’s strong attacks.
“We had some problems in the first game to get adjusted to their style. We were constantly under pressure and our opponents played very fast all throughout the first game,” said Nova on the loss of the first game 15/21. The Indonesians, double world champions however got their game going and were more aggressive in the second and third games.
The second was a formality, won 21/11 while the rubber game was to be a thriller as the fans were kept on the edge of their seats. Oddly enough, it was Liliyana who saved her team – the least experienced of both players, with a first incredible save at 19/18, giving Indonesia their first two match points.
“I did make a lot of mistakes in the first game, but then we got our game going and I was more confident in the second and last game. When we reached match point and failed to convert the first two, I believed we could still make it,” said Liliyana.
The Koreans prevented an all Indonesian affair in the mixed doubles, thanks to an inspired duo of Lee Young Dae and Lee Hyo Jung. The latter had already clinched silver in the women’s doubles the previous night but obviously wanted to go one step further in the mixed, which was made possible by her young and amazing partner Lee Young Dae, who once again put on a splendid performance.
Under the gaze of many of his former idols – Lee Dong Soo being on the bench, Ha Tae Kwon in the stands and former Olympic champion Kim Dong Moon at the TV stand, commentating for Korean National TV. Both teams got even at one game all, but the Korean’s play was more accurate in the third, while the Indonesians committed too many mistakes and giving too many attacking opportunities to their opponents, troubled by the height of Lee Hyo Jung at the net.
In the men’s singles bronze medal match, Chen Jin, banking on his speed and the strong home support, and ultimately his endurance to smash his way to a third place finish.
Earlier in the day, one of the biggest surprises of the tournament had seen Zhang Ning beat her compatriot Xie Xingfang in a thriller with Indonesia’s Maria Kristin taking bronze out of Lu Lan’s reach to forbid China’s clean sweep.

Friday 15 August 2008

im freaking tired!!!

well, harmony,,

second day of ospek... capek sekali saya.. heuheueheu..
ternyata jd mentor membuang bnyk pulsa,, dan anak2ku bnyk yng menanyakan stupid questions.. for example:
anak gw: ka, tulisan di lingkarin?
gw: iya..
anak gw: trus dilingarinnya pake apa??
gw: *terbengong-bengong* ya pake jangkar lah, trus tinggal di edit..
anak gw: oh iya yahh..
gw: anyway...... lanjut

coba bayangin?? gmn ga bete,, tp harus tetep sabar!! jd mentor harus disenengin ama anak-anknya.. masa di benci.. hehe kan ga lucu...
pengen tidur, tp takut anak-anakku pada nelpon hehehe sedih.. taon depat mw jd tatib ah.. aq kan punya muka judes..

love, tired Goddess

Thursday 14 August 2008

So sad...


Yesterday, i found out that ma haigh school friend had die of cancer. Im so sad, i mean me n him were in the same class together in the second year, i talked to him.. n now i just can't believe that he's not here anymore.. Semoga arwahmu diterima disisi Allah SWT. Amin. You will be miss ma friend,,, :(

N now i just found out that sony dwi kuncoro lost to lee chong wei.. ahhhhh, well you've got to admit that lee is a very good player.. for the good part pasangan hendra/kido dan nova/lilyana made it into semifinals.... yea!!!! n now hopefully flandy/marissa will also follow..

love, Goddess

Impressive Chong Wei sends warning

14 August 2008Pix by BadmintonPhoto
MALAYSIA’S Lee Chong Wei continued his impressive march towards a possible showdown with Lin Dan with a clinical display of attacking badminton to stop Indonesia’s Sony Dwi Kuncoro in the quarter-finals of the men’s singles in Beijing.
With Lin Dan only in action later this evening, Chong Wei showed why he is one of the favourites for a medal when he outclassed the Indonesian 21-9, 21-11 to move into the semi-finals.
Chong Wei will play the winner of the match between China’s Bao Chunlai and Korea’s Lee Hyun Il later today.
“I’m still not too happy with my performance as I believe I can play better. It will be important because Chinese players will have the support of the home fans and as such, I have to be at my best in the semi-final,” said Chong Wei.
“There is more pressure on me as I’m the only Malaysian left in the competition. As such, I need to concentrate more to ensure I make the final.
“Whether I play Bao Chunlai or Lee Hyun Il does not really matter as both players are good. However, I don’t want to think about them as I’m only concerned with my own performance.”
In another quarter-final match, China’s Chen Jin was also too good for Chinese Taipei;s Hsieh Yu Hsing, winning in straight games 21-8, 21-14. Chen Jin will take on either Lin Dan or Peter Gade (Denmark).
In the mixed doubles, Indonesia’s top seeds Nova Widianto-Liliyana Natsir moved into the last four with a 21-13, 21-19 win over Thailand’s Sudket Prapakamol-Saralee Thoungthongkam.
“We clicked really well today and that has given the confidence to look forward to the matches ahead,” said Liliyana.
“We can still play a lot better and I’m sure we will do that in the semi-finals.”
The Indonesians will take on China’s He Hanbin-Yu Yang who were stretched all the way by Poland’s Robert Mateusiak-Nadiezda Kostiuczyk 22-20, 23-21.
Besides the men’s singles quarterfinals, the other matches in the evening are in the mixed doubles with Great Britain’s Nathan Robertson-Gail Emms taking on Korea’s Lee Yong Dae-Lee Hyo Jung and Denmark’s Thomas Laybourn-Kamilla Rytter Juhl up against Indonesia’s Flandy Limpele-Vita Marissa

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Capek dan terkagum-kagum


Oh my god, akhirnya aq menyelesaikan seterikaan yang sudah menumpuk karena ditunda-tunda.. it took me about 2 hours two finished ironing ma own clothes,, can u believe that?? n now ma arms are really sore..*wincing*

The gooooood news are:

1. Ma parent will be back this evening after leaving me n ma two sis alon for today to go to Batam n Singapore,, yeaaa im so happy.. can not wait to see them again.. n of cours the lovely souvenirs... lol *cheering*

2. while ironing ma clothes, i get to watch Maria Kristin played, which was so unbelieveably good... so proud of her,, people said dhe is to be the next *Susi Susanti*.. Go Maria n all the other athletes, bring back Gold medals Home to Indonesia.. And remember, the one who brings home a gold medal will get Rp 1billion... *gasped*

3. after ironing, seeing swimmer from America, Michael Phelps really make ma day... *sighes*

Isnt he dreamy???

4. Indonesia now in the 32nd place from 204 countries for the medals with two bronze.... hmmm not bad.. *cheering n clapping*

Love, happy and tired Goddess

Maria Kristin ke semifinal

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008 10:11 WIB
BEIJING, RABU — Pemain tunggal putri bulu tangkis Indonesia, Maria Kristin Yulianti, tampil luar biasa dan mengamankan langkahnya ke semifinal Olimpiade Beijing. Di perempat final, Rabu (13/8), Maria berhasil menekuk pebulu tangkis India, Sania Nehwal, 26-28, 21-14, 21-15.
Di game pertama, penonton dibuat deg-degan dengan permainan deuce kedua pemain tersebut. Maria yang lebih dulu tertinggal 18-20 berhasil memaksakan deuce pertama. Setelah itu, kedua pemain saling memperebutkan game point. Sayangnya, Maria kalah setelah smes silangnya terlalu melebar ke sisi kiri lapangan Nehwal. Hakim garis sempat mengarahkan tangan ke dalam pertanda pukulan Maria masuk, tapi langsung meralatnya dengan membuka tangan lebar-lebar tanda bola keluar.
Memasuki game kedua, Maria langsung tancap gas dan meninggalkan lawannya hingga 7-3. Bola-bola silang yang diperagakan peraih emas tunggal dan beregu putri SEA Games 2007 itu terus menambah perolehan angkanya dan mengunci lawannya pada angka 14.
Nehwal langsung membalasnya dengan permainan ngotot dan menyerang di game ketiga. Sebaliknya, Maria justru kehilangan kesabaran dan melakukan serangkaian kesalahan, termasuk kegagalan menyeberangkan smes yang membuatnya tertinggal 3-8. Maria berhasil mengejar hingga 9-11 setelah tertinggal delapan poin dan bahkan menyamakan skor 12-12. Nehwal hanya sanggup menambah tiga poin meski akhirnya menyerah setelah pengembaliannya gagal menyeberang net.
Setelah kemenangan ini, Maria kemungkinan akan menghadapi unggulan kedua dari China, Zhang Ning. Zhang Ning memainkan partai perempat final lawan unggulan kelima Pi Hongyan (Perancis) setelah Maria menyelesaikan permainannya.

Tuesday 12 August 2008



harmony,,,, i was just browsing through the net n you know,, iseng2 nulis

on google search,, found a really cute pic of him when he was a wee boy...

isnt he cute?????

And this one, when turns out to be a hunky young man.. hmhmhm

Isnt he gorgeous???
love sick Goddess *Sighes*

one more thing

oh.. i've add some pics, so if u want to see more foto... just click the pics of goddess'pics..

love goddess


hola harmony,,,

haha,,,, peeps, harmony,, im back.. oh thal long weekend finnaly over.

you know, like i said before, dont go to dufan on sunday.. u know why?? coz it's fucking full (sorry for the fowl language, couldnt help myself) ahh,, i mean i knwe it was going to be full, but i didnt know it was going to be REALLY, REALLy FULL.. which confused me, a lot of people complaining about how harga BBM meningkat,, tetapi kenapa orang-orang masih bisa berlibur seperti itu.. aneh kan???? Back to the topik, Ma fam n I only go for two rides,, shocking isnt it.. ahh. never again i willl go to to dufan on a weekend.. that foto showed us waing in line...

after, dufan we went to the nearest hotel to get ready for the wedding.. ma dad's friend wedding,, and it ubelievable huge... OMG u shoul have seen it....

anyway ma sister, rinda do ma hair n if i may say so , i look extremly gorgeous.. lol

see,, i look hot!!!

love Goddess

Saturday 9 August 2008

what a day


wot a day today... gosh, this saturday turned out to be a hectic day,, this afternoon i helped ma dad cleaning the storage room. so tiring, i mean me n ma wee sis were up n down the stairs 22 times.. can u believe that????

oh well, guess that' that... tomorrow on the other hand, going to be excited, ma family n I going to have a family vacation in jkt, we are going to dufan... yea... lol n then afterward, we are going to a wedding party, which is going to be really big, big party.. i have to dress nicely.. lol

well harmony, i will write to u again on monday to tell u how was ma weekend...
dont miss me

love, goddess

Tuesday 5 August 2008

just another day


today was just another day,, u know, before we get star on that, i would like to mention that i may not post a blog everyday.. as ma life is better than just sitting on comp n writing a blog,, but i will try to have time to do it,, afterall, harmony is like ma secret keeper,,

like i said before, today was just another day,,, nothing special happening although earlier this afternoon, ma sisters n i went shopping to buy ma cousin's bday presents,, to morrow is her bday n we are invited to attend theparty,, lol yummy more food, which is kinda a bad thing cuz im still on ma diet programmme lol,,

it's half past twelve rite now in indonesia, at nite btw. I couldnt sleep, i dunno why lately, these couples of days, i couldnt sleep, which is odd as i dont nap.. hmmm a bit confusing. can't have that, that wont good for ma health..

well, im gonna try some sleep now, harmony, write tou later.. byeeee



Saturday 2 August 2008

long time

Dear, harmony,,

harmony,, im really sad you know... after all this time im still in love wiv ma high school friend.. well not exactly in love,, it just i can't really get him out of ma head,, even when abi's around. n it's not fair for abi,, cause he really cares for me.. wot shoul i do harmony?? im really confuse..

sumtimes when i met some of ma old friens, i wish he was there to see the new me.. lol.. but u know u cant have all u want.. but sumtimes im glad i didn see him..

anyway, move on.. me n some of old friends r making a reunion show but u know,, little of people are participasing on it.. n it makes me really sad,, i mean we want the class to have kompaskena.. aiiihhhh bahasa apaan tuh... lol but hopefully the reunion bakal jadi...

minggu depan mummy n daddy bakal pergi ke batamm, tinggal aq dan my two sister will be left alone.. i wish he didnt have to come to ma house.. i dunt want to say he's name incase he read this...

oh god,, so bore as uusual,, oh n one of ma closes friend in unpar,, berencana bakl pindah kulia,, sbnarnya aq senang karena dia lulus spmb,, tetapi sedih juga kalo dia hrs meninggalkan aq,, karena di unpar hanya dia dan salah satu temanku yg mengerti tentang diriku.. hmmmm gimana ya...

well harmony,, surhat later ok bye for now

love,, goddess