It's My Life and My Journey: "Harmony Of Life"

Harmony Blog

I'm writing the story of My life one moment at a time.

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

I think somehow I learn who I really am and then live with that decision.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on

My goals are the road maps that guide me and show me what is possible for my life.

My life is a gift from the Creator. My gift back to the Creator is what I do with My life.

Welcome, Read, Enjoy, Comment, Shout, Come Again, Thank You!

Monday 29 September 2008

Happy Eid

E id Mubarak to YOU!
I ndeed it is a day of happiness.
D ay to remember Allah, and to bring Him close to us.
M anifested, in this day of Eid is
U nderstanding for both the poor and rich,
B etterment of the human soul,
A ll to meet the ultimate goal.
R ace each other for the hereafter,
A all for the pleasure of Allah,
K een to get into his Jannah!

Happy Eid to all!!!

Thursday 25 September 2008

Seeing Someone You Fancy

You know, when you met your crush, someone you fancy for ages, the love of your life, or wahtever you called it. you always feel that everything's gonna be alrite.. well that happened to me. After the whole 'my love life is a fiasco' thing, these past weeks i started had a major crush on ma senior. Let just called him Mr P (i dont want to reveal his name, what if he read this, i wont be able to go uni again!!!!) He's so cute.. *double sighs*

Anyway, yesterday after long day at uni, i was walking to buy newspaper (im an International relations student, have to read loads of news!! cieeh,, nyombong dikit ya.. hehehe) and my mood was not good at that time and all i wanna do is kicked somebody a**, well who wouldnt? this so called holiday is equals so many works that need to be handed in after the hols and guess what? i only have a week of holiday!!!!... but then out of nowhere, Mr P come walking past by me and smiled at me so sweetly and i was like whoaaaa!!! and in ma head the song What a Wonderful World and Three Little Bird Kept ringing...

I see sky so blue,
red roses too
i see them bloom,
for me and you,
and I say to myself,
what a wonderfull world

and then after that...

Dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right!

And both songs still stuck in ma head.....aaahhhhhhhh

Tuesday 23 September 2008



Tomorrow,, will be officialy the last day in uni before the hols!! yipeee...

akhirnya,, libur telah tiba!! horee.. horeee.......

love,, Goddess

Ps: ga penting bgt ya!!!

Sunday 21 September 2008

Bubar (Buka Bareng)

hai kawan!!

della is back,, n mo cerita tentang bubar alias buka bareng.... Seharusnya ini bubar adalah buka bareng anak 3.4,, TETAPI yang dikarenakan yang dateng cuman 6 org (della, echie, ani, dina pasca n dewiz), bisa dikatakan ini bubar adalah bubar kelompok belajar.. hahahahaha..

Setelah dua minggu lebih ngasih tau orang2 3.4,, tetapi masih saja banyak YNG bLOM TAU!!!! bete-bete ah....... lanjut,, kemaren tanggal 20 September, aq menunggu sendirian di kantin 3, janji dateng jam 4 tp pada ngaret semua, terkecuali aq n si ani pepe.. kita berdua menunggu gitu, udah mah saya teh ga enak sama anak 2.9 karena bubarnya bentrok pula!!! sedih!

Lalu,, beberapa menit kemudian datenglah dina, pasca and dewiz, tetapi SI ECHIE ini ngaret bgt jd nunggu dah,,, akhirnya sambil nunggu echie kita foto dulu deh, daripada nganggur ga jelas kan???

udah gitu akhirnya, si ECHIE nongol juga setelah sekian lama.. dan akhirnya kita pergi juga mencari tempat untuk buka,, Karena hampir semua penuh, kita khirnya buka di mobilnya si pasca dan UNTUNGNYA, si pasca membawa kurma.. hehehe Thanks Pasca!!!!

Karena ga mungkin dapet tempat pas waktu buka, kita sholat dulu deh.. dan langsung berlanjut makan di foodcourtnya BEC.... dan disanapun kita bernarsis ria!! hahahaha
ini photo adalah salah satu foto candit taken by dina!!
Pokonya walaupun kita sedikit,, tetapi senangnya minta ampun.. next destination nonton laskar pelangi bareng!! cant wait guys!!
Love,, Goddesss
Ps: baca blog si Echie,, pasti sama ceritanya hahahah!!

Friday 19 September 2008

Happy Birthday, Mum!!!

If I could give you diamonds for each tear you cried for me.
If I could give you sapphires for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother, that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.
With all my love on your birthday

Happy bday, mum..

Thursday 18 September 2008

Ramadhan hampir berakhir


So sad isnt it?? it's been two weeks now, since we star this holy month, and now is nearing end!! sudah mau berakhir.:( :(

tetapi,, akan diganti dengan gemuruh takbir malan yang berkumandang semalaman untuk menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Dimana Hari tersebut adalah hari yang ditunggu-tunggu umat muslim, termasuk diriku. Setelah sebulan penuh kita berpuasa, kita bisa merayakannya dengan sangat gembira,..

Aq ingat dulu waktu kecil, sekitar umur sembilanan, Hari Raya Idul Fitri bareng dengan hari ulng tahunku,, senengnya dapet kado 2, satu buat lebaran satu lagi buay ma bday.. so happy at that time.. sekarang, boro2 dapet 2 hadiah, dapet thr aja udah untung.. hahahaha lol..

tapi lebaran bukan untuk dapet thr, lebaran adalah dimana saat kita menjadi bersih kembali dan dmn kita berkumpul dengan keluarga tercinta dan juga saling memaafkan antar sesama...

Lebaran masih tinggal seminggu lagi, maka dari itu mari kita maksimalkan ibadah puasa kita, semoga amal ibadah kita diterima dan dosa kita dihapuskan oleh Allah SWT.. AMIN!!!!!!!!

ayo, kawan, SEMANGAT!!!!!!

love,, Goddessss

Sunday 14 September 2008



back to old writing blog here,, you know what?? im suppposed to be doing ma works for tomorrow, i mean i have paper to finish, but i just dont feel doing it. got tired looking about Turkey and European Union, same old thing.. Alex gonna kill me though if i not handing him ma paper tomorrow,, Oh Gosh!!!! maybe i'll just do it tonite and get it over with.

since im on ma break, ma wee sis n I decided to watch a movie, and then i relised that i haven't buy a dvd in a long time n now we are watching Musics and Lyrics,, that movie still cracked me up after all this time.. Hugh Grant so funny, i like him on this movie, rather on Notting Hill wiv Julia Roberts..

this week i've finished reading chicken soup,, finally n now im on chicken soup for the couple's souls.. So sweet you know, you should read it..

well gotta go,, gotta finish that stupid paper...

love,, Goddess

Thursday 11 September 2008

Ordinary day @Uni...

Hiya peeps,,
new post here,,,

Today, Thursday 11th of September supposed to be ma free day of college, well actually, not just thursday, but friday and saturday,, long day of hols right?? but i wont get to excited, coz on monday, tuesday and wednesday, ma day is full from morning till night, udah ga bisa dikomprpmi.... huehuehue..

anyway, today have to go to uni, coz i have to get surat keterangan and of course meeting!!! again again, this smester im actually understood the meaning of BUSY!!!. well, of course orang Indonesia, tidak bisa tidak ngaret, selalu terlambat, but no worry i actually brought camera wiv me, and here are a pic of me n others in the place where anak FISIP UNPAR hang out..... cool place isnt it????

After the meeting me and yosep posed as two top models and we actually used a classroom in waiting to be used lol!!!......
Dont we look hot!!!!!

Monday 8 September 2008

Hari yang melelahkan


Hari ini, eh nggak tunggu mari di ulang.... Hari senin adalah hari dimana menjadi hari yang akan aq benci untuk smester ini, coba bayangin udah mah kuliah mulai jam satu siang, dan selesai jam 5, tidak memungkinkan untuk pulang dan buka bersama keluarga.

jam satu tuh, mata kuliah BIHI alias Bahasa Inggris Hubungan International. dengernya aja serem ga sih??? Ya udah mulai tuh mata kuliah seperti biasa, blah2 n blah2..... biasanya tuh BIHI selesai jam setengah 3, but noooooo sekarang BIHI MINIMAL selesai jam SETENGAH 4 dan MAKS jam 4.. gimana nggak stress coba, 3 jam of Politics luar negeri dan masalah internasiona, pake bahasa Inggris pula!!!! ahhhhhhhh... tetapi aq sadar aq tidak boleh complain, afterall i'm the one who want this major for ma uni...

Eiiitss ntar dulu, itu blom selesai, karena kite pikir bahwa BIHI bakal selesai jam setengah 3an, Maka kuliah yang jam 4 dimaju menjadi jam 3 supaya pulang bisa lebih cepat dan bisa berbuka dengan keluarga tercinta. karena bihi selesai jam setengah 4 mendekati jam 4, kita telat deh setengah jam, dan masuk kelas filsafat ilmu dengan muka bersalah, untungnya dosennya baik. but,,, didiku sudah tidak konsen, apalagi abis bihi belajarnya filsafat, mana ngerti aq.. mending disuruh belajar logika lagi aq.... masalahnya Filsafat ilmu itu tuh, sulit dimengerti contohnya:

"kita semua ada, karena benda mengakui kita ada"

bingung????? ngerti??? kalo ngerti aq kasih applause deh!! aq ndiri aja nggak ngerti ato mungkin emang tadi aq nggak terlalu merahiin, yang ada malah keketawwaan sama si soraya n yosep.. mwahaahahaha......

ya sudah ambil hikmahnya aja, ternyata di kelas BIhi tugas kelompok aq paling bagus loh!!!! hahahahahaha, padahal ngumpul aja jarangg dan topic kelompok kita tuh tentang Russia Invasion on Georgian, which by the way, nearly every group doing that topic.... lumayan.....
Karena ga mungkin buka puasa dirumah, akhirnya buka puasa di kostan temen, abis temen gw dikirimin ayam goreng ama nyokapnya,, lumayan gratisan!! hehehehe, udah giru kita ngegosip deh sambil nunggu mbaku jemput, kita ya bukanny tadarus ato apa malah ngegossip. ckckckckck. Maafkan kami, ya Allah......

udah ah cape.. lanjutin kpn2 ya..

love, Goddess

Saturday 6 September 2008


Hiya peeps,, sorry again if u are uncomfortable wiv ma blog at the moment,,,

I'm here trying to make ma blog as cool as possible, so you peesp can enjoy it more.

again, sorry for your displeasure..

love Goddes...

Friday 5 September 2008

Memboros dalam bulan puasa

Setiap bulan puasa, kita memang diharuskan untuk bersabar dalam segala hal iya klan? membaca blognya si echie, dia harus bersabr dalam menangani kendaraan umum, emang kalo kendaraan angkot di Bandung mah kudu sabar mau bulan puasa atau tidak,, Bandung, kapan Bandung bisa seperti dulu lagi!!! aiihhhh Aq merindukan Bandung yang dulu, yang sejuk dan Indah,,,

Continue,, sebelum ini blog tidak nyambung dengan yang ingin kusampaikan. *hem2* jam 12 siang tadi, aq pergi ke togamas (toko buku diskon) dari awal aq sudah berjanji beli buku paling banyak satu aja. Melihat2 seperti biasa, ada buku baru dari salah satu pengarangku, Agnes Jessica. ya harganya tidak terlalu mahal hanya 20rb saja. akhirnya tuh buku aq pegang2, sampai akhirnya aq melihat chicken soup. aiiiihh itu kan buku dambaanku. Ada dua tuh buku chicken soup yang aq inginkan. Pertama. Chicken soup for the women's souls sama chicken soup for the romantic's souls. pengen kedua2nya, berhubung duit yang dibawa tidak mencukupi akhirnya aq memilih yang women's souls dan agnes jessica, udah gitu melihat lagi buku karangan agnes jessica yang dr dulu aku ingin punya, tetapi selalu kehabisan. dan akhirnya aq membeli tiga buku dan setelah sang cashier memberitahu harga keseluruhan Rp 75.000, aq yang melongo tak karuan memberi uang tersebut kepada sang cashier, dengan mimik muka yang seakan mengatakan "makanya mba, hitung dulu jangan asal beli" iiihhhhh menyebalkan.

Teringat bulan ini bulan Ramadhan, seharusnya diriku tidak membeli buku yang sangat banyak, yang paling dalam waktu 2 hari bakal aq selesaikan? Boros dan amat boros, uang jajanku habis sudah.... rencana mau ditabung buat ntar ngasih kesepupu2 dan keponakan2 habis sudah. berarti bulan ini aq mengarapkan THR (tunjangan Hari Raya) dari Ortu. LOL dan juga Baju Lebaran. Tuh kan banyak maunya,,,

anyway, orang2, semuanya aq jadi teringat sesuatu selain kita harus sabar akan semua hal dalam bulan Ramadhan ini, kita juga harus menahan rasa apapun yang dapat merugikan diri sendiri. Tetapi karena sudah terlanjur, aq ikhlaskan deh tuh duit.

Ya Allah, Maafkan diriku ini yang sudah sangat memboros. ( kalo dipikir-pikir hari ini aq sudah kehabisan uang seraus ribu dalam sehari, termasuk ongkos dan bayar utang ke si mba tadi pagi. OMG!!!!) ahhhhhhh!!

love, kecewa and Gulity Goddess

Tuesday 2 September 2008

My mates

hiya!!! i'm back peeps,, miss me?? wait, dont answer that,, coz i got a feeling someone is gona throw up.....

busway peeps!! earlier i told you all that i'm gonna put a post bout ma mates and their pics, but after a lot of thinking, i decided that im not gonna put the pics, coz i dont think ma mates are going to appreciate what i'm going to put, especially the pic i had in mind.. *evil laughs*. Moving on, let's start wiv ma mates in nursery, when i was a really cute kid with innocent face *looking innocent*

ma ever close mates was maya,, forgot her last name though,, lol. havent had contact with her since we left nursery, miss her though. Maya and I always do stuff together, from brushing our hair together to peeing together (wot do u expect i'm just 5 year old). Maya always defended me when this huge dude (actually he's not that huge!!) bullied me and pulled ma ponitail down. i hate him. Thank to Maya she kicked his *reproduktif member* and now i feel really sorry for that dude. man, Maya is brave!! anyway, I wonder what ever happened to Maya???

And then I arrived, on primary school. believe it or not, i was a geek, with a thin arms and legs, straight but uncontrolable hair and big glasses, i mean i wasn't as pretty as now, oh don't puke now, coz their still some more of that sentence!! I wasn't a popular kid, but i have friends that stood bye me. Lusi, dea, adistie are all ma good mates in primary. we always the same group as everything. from grups of hide and seek to group of studying. I love them. i'm still in contact with them but not as often as before.

Arrived in Glasgow for the very first time was so scary. In the back of ma mind, i always thought that i'm not gonna make any friends, Luckly i've met nadhirah, najwa and nisa. They were ma best friends in Glasgow. Nadhirah and Najwa are Malaysians and Nisa is Indonesian like me. I've met Nadhirah because we are neighbour and Najwa, apart from being neighbour, we are in the same Bilingual School as well. and Nisa, coz we're the same Country. After Nisa and Nadhirah left, Najwa became my bestes buddy, we always together, don't we?? and it made me sad when Najwa decided to left too. I was thinking who's gonna be ma buddies now?? and then i met asma, xhesi and sonia, nazanin, ailla, and syafiqah. They were there when i needed friends the most until i left Glasgow. Still in contact wiv them too. Miss you guys also!!

Back to Indonesia, i was doubtful, coz i was these freak not beautiful like now (ok, u can ouke now!!) who look like i'm not Indonesian at all, but then I met Echie, Ani Pepe, Sastaviyana, Theresia and many others!! they are ma life, ma lifesavers in highschool, they are crazy, abnormal, except Sasta, i think she was the normal one. Sasta control us when we became too much crazy. Infact i dont know how she can cope with all of us this whole time. As for my dear Anceu peps a.k.a Ani, too many words to describe her. Loud, happy, smart, crazy definately not shy!!!!!! that's for sure. I always had laugh with her. Echie, the youngest one in the group. if you look at her, you will think that she is normal, but nooooooo!! that's not true. she's reaaly is and always will make the life of me colourfull!! and then theres Theresia, the other half of me. smart but forgetful. ooh tere ma prays that you will not become a forgetful doctor!!! always stays contact with them. Infact, we are planning to open fast together soon!!!

And then come University. a part of me so happy that finnaly i'm leaving highschool, but the other part was so sad and scared as the same of leaving ma close friends.. but not to worry, In uni i've become friends with Soraya and Nadia. Soraya is ma loudest friend ever, but everytime i'm with her i always laugh until ma tummy hurt and when i said loud, i mean it!!. And Nadia is my late friend, almost late at everything but she also a great listener and ma Pancasila buddy.

In the end i always love my friends, all of them and they have a special place in ma heart *awwwww. geje ah!!* without them, i wouldnt be wot i am today and without them i wouldn't know wot is the meaning of friendship. I thank all of them for being a part in ma life and there are many more of friends in ma life that im also thankful. LOve you guys!!!!!

Love Goddesssssssssssssssssssss