It's My Life and My Journey: "Harmony Of Life"

Harmony Blog

I'm writing the story of My life one moment at a time.

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

I think somehow I learn who I really am and then live with that decision.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on

My goals are the road maps that guide me and show me what is possible for my life.

My life is a gift from the Creator. My gift back to the Creator is what I do with My life.

Welcome, Read, Enjoy, Comment, Shout, Come Again, Thank You!

Sunday 24 January 2010

What Do I want?

Ok, heres a penny thoughts, it kinda freak me out now, that my sister has completed her uni years, congratulations by the way my dear sister. She is now looking for jobs and jobs as well as a scholarship for masters degree. When I helped my sister browsing the net for information on both, it kinda makes me think what do I want to do when i finish my study???

I know, I know, Seminar and my thesis should comes first, but hey when you all done those things but haven't figure out what you wanna do, it kinda scared the hell of me.

So let's just pretend that i've finished my seminar and my thesis with flying colour(LOL!!), and now i'm looking for my job, coz let's face it i dont want to be a woman who just sit around in your house, cooking, cleaning, taking care of your kids, and then waiting for your hubby to get back from work (not offense to those who actually doing that, My mum :D) I want to work, I mean i'm four years in Uni and then hopefully i will be able to do my masters degree, after that im just staying at home??!! I dont want that.

Let's recap, I took International Relations as my major, so the ideal job will be an ambassador for your country in another country. Cool job, especially if you get placed in France or Italy. .... here's the problem, for me diplomacy is not my strongest point, sure being an ambassador is not just negotiations, diplomaciing (is that even a word?) many things that ambassador should do, but let's face it you need to be good at talking to people. So I guess ambassador is an option for me, but i have to think it through first.


Another options will be News Anchor or reporter, sure it uses a lot of talking and creativity, but every time i watch news, my adrenaline would go high, at one point i actually want this job so much! I don't know why, but i want to be a news anchor, I have to works hard for that, but hey if you want something you need to work hard!

News Anchor Reporter

Working in Non Governmental Society is another choice for me, It will help boost my confidence to work with other people, especially i work in NGO that helps with women or environment, gender and globalwarming, two of the global issues that still hot.


Bank. I dont mind working in a bank, why? because you get all these insurances and the money is great, especially if you work in customer service or teller, you get this salon subsidy!! lol spa every week for me!!! and because i like to do make up, and dress up, it will be good for me,, LOL!!


Anyway those options are great for me, for i just have to decide which one do I want most. I might apply to all and see which one do I get, For now, my short plan are to work hard this semester so I get a good GPA, thinking about my seminar, Do my seminar, Do my thesis, and then hopefully in July or October 2011, i will be graduate!! Amin,, well, that's not short plan i guess... and hopefully i do get scholarship for my masters degree!!