It's My Life and My Journey: "Harmony Of Life"

Harmony Blog

I'm writing the story of My life one moment at a time.

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

I think somehow I learn who I really am and then live with that decision.

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on

My goals are the road maps that guide me and show me what is possible for my life.

My life is a gift from the Creator. My gift back to the Creator is what I do with My life.

Welcome, Read, Enjoy, Comment, Shout, Come Again, Thank You!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Back To Uni.....

Dear Harmony,,,,

I'm back to uni.. starting ma 3rd smester,,, man,, this smester mata kuliahnya sangat berhubungan dengan HI bgt,, tidak seperti semester2 sebelumnya,, semester kemaren aq mash belajar yg namanya ekonomi dan manajemen,,, n now aq belajar bener HI.. senengnya... contoh mata kuliah yang aq pelajari:

1. Statistika Sosial
2. Hubungan Internasional Kawasan
3. Kekuatan Politik Indonesia (politik again!!!!)
4. Bahasa Inggris Hubungan Internasional
5. Media dan Budaya Internasional
seperti itulah contohnya.. sangat internasionalkan???

Btw,, salah satu anak mentorku berkelakuan yg sgt amat STUPID.. dia kira dia ada kuliah jam 7 malem... gw yang lsg terbengong-bengong memikirkannya.. huh?? ko bisa sih dia mikir ada kuliah yang jam 7 malem.... wot the hell is he thinking...
hari ini lumayan lucu.. anak2 baru alias maba pada minta tanda tangan ke senior2.. lol serasa udah jadi artis yang sagt terkenal.. lol

mudah2an gw ga bakal dosen yang rese... *berdoa*

love, Goddess

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